Sheridan, Jerry

Meet the Candidate

Running For:
County Sheriff
Political Affiliation:
(602) 920-3044
Retired from Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (40 years)
Masters in Organizational Management, Bachelors in Public Safety Administration and Associates in Administration of Justice
Stacie Sheridan (wife), two daughters, two grandchildren
Roman Catholic
Biographical Info:

Jerry began his career with MCSO as a volunteer at the age of 18 going on to be hired as a detention officer and then a deputy sheriff. He held every rank, except Sheriff of course, and oversaw Patrol and Jail Operations, and ultimately achieved the highest uniform position within the Sheriff’s Office-Chief Deputy. He obtained a Masters Degree in Organizational Management, earned a Certified Jail Manager certification from the National Sheriff’s Association and graduated from the FBI National Executive Leadership Academy in Quantico Virginia. He was also appointed to the Arizona Peace Officers Standards and Training Board for 12 years and served there under three governors both Republican and Democrat. He was an adjunct professor for 22 years for Maricopa County colleges.

Jerry spent twelve years as the Chief of Detention overseeing the administration of the entire Sheriff’s Jail system. During his tenure as the jail chief he oversaw the design and construction of the 4th Ave and LBJ facilities. He and his staff saw to it that a consent decree that began under Sheriff Hill in the 1970s was finally settled (Hart v. Hill). MCSO was once again accredited by NCCHC (a board that certifies medical standards). Inmate deaths and suicide rates were lowered due to these efforts. The twelve years he spent in charge of the jails has prepared him well to be sheriff. 75% of MCSO is the jail system. It is complex, costly and officers must be highly trained in the constitutional rights afforded to inmates.

Jerry Sheridan is a proven leader with 33 years of supervisory, executive management and real world law enforcement leadership experience that successfully guided MCSO through its most difficult years in history. 40 years of service to MCSO and the citizens of Maricopa County has prepared him well for the challenges and difficult times ahead. He can make a difference and will stand to protect your Freedoms and Liberties guaranteed to all citizens by the United States Constitution.

Jerry has been with his wife Stacie for 36 years is a father of two grown girls and a grandfather.

Website address:
Campaign email: [email protected]


Passion; I attribute my association with MCSO for helping me become the person I am today. Leaders throughout my career taught and mentored me which gave me the experience and leadership skills to successfully lead MCSO into the 21 Century. I have the passion to repay the citizens of Maricopa county for allowing me to work there for forty years and keep them safe.

Passion; I have the passion to uphold the oath I will once again take as sheriff to support the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona.

Skills; I have the experience, training and education to lead the people of MCSO to become an organization that serves the people with excellent law enforcement and jail services.

Knowledge; I know I have the ability to make Maricopa County a safer place for people to live, work and play.


Response Legend

  • SSupports
  • OOpposes
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Providing benefits and services such as free housing to undocumented migrants at taxpayer expense. O* Illegal Aliens should not receive benefits above and beyond our own citizens do not receive.
2. Allowing all parents to use tax credits and taxpayer funded empowerment scholarship accounts to enable their children to attend any private school, homeschool, or online academy of their choice. S* Parents should be able to choose the school of their choice for the benefits of their children. Education is not a “one size fits all” endeavor.
3. Interpreting the 2nd Amendment as protecting an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. S* Our Founding Fathers placed the 2nd Amendment in such a prominent position in the Bill of Rights because it is important to maintaining a free people/nation.
4. Using taxpayer funds to support any organization that performs, promotes, or provides referrals for abortion. O* It is not a taxpayer responsibility to fund the termination of human life.
5. Amending the Arizona State Constitution to grant a fundamental right to every individual to an abortion. O* I do not believe abortion is a fundamental right.
6. Providing tax breaks to certain industries over others. O* If tax breaks are offered they should be offered equally to all or none at all.
7. Adding "sexual orientation," "gender identity," or "gender expression" to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination ordinances. O* The current protected classes are rights guaranteed to people by the U.S. Constitution/Amendments. Ones sexual preferences should not be,
8. Allowing parents to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues. S* Parents have a right to raise their children as they see fit in the best interest for their minor children.
9. Enhancing penalties for leading and participation in organized retail theft rings. S* This criminal activity should be dealt with harshly as it costs billions of dollars to consumers and businesses annually. Increasing enforcement and penalties will have a chilling effect on these criminals.
10. Permitting individuals and businesses to not provide services or promote ideas that violate their moral or religious beliefs. S* In a free society an individual should be permitted to follow their moral and religious beliefs without interference from their government.