Wittenbraker, Janet “JL”

Meet the Candidate

Running For:
Board of Supervisors
Political Affiliation:
(520) 275-1491
Senior Contracts Administrator
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law Master of Legal Studies
Partner, 1 cat, 1 dog.
Biographical Info:

Education: Graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science from the College of Liberal Arts and Science and a Master of Legal Studies from Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.

Previous Candidacy: Mayor of Tucson 2023

Previous elected office: None

Professional experience: Broad base of experience in the aerospace defense industry, government, healthcare, higher education, and other commercial businesses. My roles have spanned executive administration, contract management, code and compliance regulation, human resources, and risk management.

Current Employment: Senior Contracts Administrator with a Fortune 500 Company


For over 20 years now, I’ve been a proud Arizonan and while I love our community, we must face the undeniable reality that our local Government has failed to provide Pima County taxpayers with an acceptable return on investment.

I am running for the position of Pima County Board of Supervisors, District 3 to prioritizing our community’s protection, development, and services.
My mission is clear: protect our constituency and reclaim our community. I will prioritize the safety of our citizens by ensuring proper staffing and funding for our first responders. Through responsible fiscal practices, we will rebuild our community and allocate funds where they are most needed.

Putting the people first is my unwavering commitment. I believe in listening to our hardworking citizens and addressing their concerns. By seeking their ideas and input, we can tackle critical issues such as crime reduction and homelessness together. Together, we will improve the quality of life for every member of our community.

My passion, experience, and commitment to progress make me the perfect candidate to lead us into a brighter future.

It’s time to overcome misguided ideologies and focus on the true needs of our community. As your District 3 Supervisor, I will be the voice of all, working tirelessly to create a more prosperous, secure, and inclusive community.


Response Legend

  • SSupports
  • OOpposes
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Providing benefits and services such as free housing to undocumented migrants at taxpayer expense. O* Providing benefits and free services to people that entered our country illegally further incentives illegal migration and unfairly places the financial burden on American taxpayers.
2. Allowing all parents to use tax credits and taxpayer funded empowerment scholarship accounts to enable their children to attend any private school, homeschool, or online academy of their choice. S* Arizona is ranked #49 in education. Arizona parents and their children, irrespective of household income, deserve better. School choice is an equal opportunity solution.
3. Interpreting the 2nd Amendment as protecting an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. S* The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".
4. Using taxpayer funds to support any organization that performs, promotes, or provides referrals for abortion. O* The allocation of federal funding to abortion providers only serves to incentives abortion. Those funds would be better spent promoting life and the family structure.
5. Amending the Arizona State Constitution to grant a fundamental right to every individual to an abortion. O* This is a voter led initiative and mine is but one vote. As Pima County Board of Supervisor my political influence on the "right to abortion" is moot.
6. Providing tax breaks to certain industries over others. O* The Government shall govern equally.
7. Adding "sexual orientation," "gender identity," or "gender expression" to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination ordinances. O* Arizona existing prohibition on sex discrimination includes sexual orientation and/or gender identity. US Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
8. Allowing parents to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues. S* It is not the governments role to interfere with parenting with the exception of cases of child abuse/endangerment.
9. Enhancing penalties for leading and participation in organized retail theft rings. S* I am committed to tackling the challenge of rising crime head-on by investing in crime prevention programs to include penal consequences for criminal conduct.
10. Permitting individuals and businesses to not provide services or promote ideas that violate their moral or religious beliefs. S* The US Supreme Court ruled businesses can refuse to serve same-sex couples if doing so would violate the owners' religious beliefs.