Stewart, Mark

Meet the Candidate

Running For:
Board of Supervisors
Political Affiliation:
(480) 886-8066
Business Owner
BS Communications Management - Missouri State University.
Wife and two kids
Biographical Info:

Councilmember Mark Stewart, a dedicated Chandler resident since 2001, began his tenure on the City Council in January 2017. Originally from the Midwest, Mark and his family relocated to Chandler with the intention of a brief stay, but quickly fell in love with the community’s vibrant spirit and promising future. Embracing Chandler as their true home, both of his children are proud graduates of the Chandler Unified School District, and recently, Arizona State University.

Mark is a person who prioritizes his family and community above all else. He holds the Constitution in high regard, considering it a crucial document that protects the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. His governance philosophy is based on this respect for constitutional values, and he strives to make every decision that benefits all residents and enhances their quality of life and business opportunities. Additionally, I work tirelessly with non-profits and our police department to combat the terrible human trafficking epidemic that is plaguing our state.
With a successful career that includes experiences with Fortune 50 companies and the establishment of two thriving businesses—a cutting-edge marketing agency and men’s health clinics—Mark has demonstrated a robust understanding of what it takes to foster a prosperous community. His approach to city governance emphasizes safety, livability, and efficient, effective administration, all while nurturing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

Mark holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Missouri State University and is deeply involved in his community beyond his council duties. He is an active volunteer, supporting local nonprofits and maintaining a vibrant faith life. He fondly recalls his days coaching for the YMCA and Little League International, reflecting his enduring commitment to service and leadership.

Proud to serve the people of Chandler, Mark is committed to putting the Constitution and the community at the center of his decision-making, ensuring that Chandler remains the best place to live, work, and play.

Councilmember Stewart serves on the:

Maricopa Association of Governments Transportation Policy Committee
East Valley Partnership Executive Leadership Team
East Valley Partnership Board of Directors
National League of Cities Information Technology and Communications Federal Advocacy Committee
Arizona Legislative Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Subcommittee
Member and Speaker for the Government Blockchain Association
Arizona State Ambassador for the Job Creators Network
His past service in Chandler included the following:

Chairman on the Maricopa Association of Governments Human Services and Community Initiatives Committee
Arizona League of Cities and Towns General Administration, Human Resources and Elections
Arizona League of Cities and Towns Budget, Finance and Economic Development Committee
Chair of the 2020 Census Complete Count Committee
METRO Rail Board of Directors
National League of Cities Community and Economic Development Board
Chandler City Council Subcommittees:
Communications and Public Affairs
Information Technology
Management Services
Facilities and Fleet
Community Services
Economic Development
Neighborhood Resources
Cultural Development


I am running for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors because I believe in the profound impact that local government should have on our everyday lives. My commitment to service, honed through years of dedicated involvement in Chandler, where I have advocated for responsible and transparent governance, aligns with the vital responsibilities of the County Board. In Chandler, I have worked tirelessly to enhance community safety, improve infrastructure, and uphold fiscal responsibility—all principles that I will bring to the broader canvas of Maricopa County.

As a supervisor, I will ensure that our budget is managed with the utmost scrutiny and foresight. Fiscal responsibility is paramount to the success of any community, particularly in areas as critical as public safety and infrastructure. My goal is to increase the number of sheriff deputies, boost their compensation, and thereby enhance the safety and security of our county. These steps are essential not only for the well-being of our residents but also for fostering a thriving, prosperous community.

Furthermore, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors oversees crucial departments such as Public Health and Elections. These areas must function with absolute integrity and efficiency. Drawing on my experience in Chandler, I aim to bring a heightened level of transparency and accountability to the Board, ensuring that our community’s needs are met with compassion and competence.

By electing me, Maricopa County will gain a leader deeply committed to serving and representing the people. I am dedicated to being a voice for all, advocating for policies that ensure our county is not only a place to live but a place where life thrives. With a clear focus on enhancing public safety, maintaining robust infrastructure, and safeguarding our community’s health and electoral integrity, I am fully prepared to contribute to Maricopa County’s continued success and prosperity.


Response Legend

  • SSupports
  • OOpposes
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Providing benefits and services such as free housing to undocumented migrants at taxpayer expense. O* Addressing the complex issues of immigration, especially in a border state like Arizona, requires a balanced approach that considers both the humanitarian aspects and the very real constraints of our local resources. We face significant challenges including housing shortages, food scarcity, and pressures on our healthcare system. It’s imperative that we prioritize the needs of our residents who are directly affected by these issues. The idea that our local taxpayers should bear the financial burden of federal immigration policies through increased taxes or the indirect cost of inflation is problematic. These policies have not only economic implications but also affect the social fabric of our communities. As such, any approach we take must ensure that the support for our own residents is not compromised. While we acknowledge the humanitarian need and the importance of supporting vulnerable populations, Arizona must also protect its own infrastructure and services, which are already under strain. To manage this, a more controlled immigration system is necessary. We must secure our southern border to regulate the flow of new entrants effectively. This is not about closing our hearts to those in need, but rather about managing our resources in a way that is sustainable and fair to the citizens already living and contributing to our state. Furthermore, rather than providing extensive benefits at the expense of Arizona's taxpayers, we should focus on supporting immigrants through federal funding and international cooperation, ensuring that aid does not detract from the services available to our own residents. Ultimately, a collaborative approach with the federal government and international partners is essential to develop a fair, effective strategy that considers both the needs of immigrants and the capacities of our local communities.
2. Allowing all parents to use tax credits and taxpayer funded empowerment scholarship accounts to enable their children to attend any private school, homeschool, or online academy of their choice. S* Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) represent a pivotal shift in how we approach education funding, allowing for a tailored educational experience that acknowledges the diverse needs and aspirations of each student. By empowering families with the financial capability to choose schools that best fit their child's unique talents and interests—be it in the arts, sports, or sciences—we can foster an environment where schools naturally strive to improve through competition. Competition, as observed in many sectors, tends to raise standards, encourage innovation, and improve efficiency. Applying this principle to education, ESAs can drive schools to enhance their offerings and educational outcomes in order to attract and retain students. This is not just beneficial for students who move to different educational settings but also for those who remain in public schools, as these institutions are compelled to innovate and improve in order to remain competitive. Additionally, ESAs can be especially transformative for families who may not have the financial means to afford private education but whose children might thrive in an alternative educational environment. By removing financial barriers, ESAs help democratize access to diverse educational pathways, whether that’s a private school better equipped for students with specific learning needs, a homeschooling curriculum that offers flexible pacing, or an online academy that provides advanced courses not available in traditional schools. While it's true that ESAs require robust financial oversight to prevent misuse and ensure funds are used effectively, the potential benefits to our educational landscape are significant. They offer a way to meet the varying educational needs of all students, promote excellence through competition, and empower parents and students with choice and control over their educational journey. In supporting ESAs, we also affirm our support for teachers by advocating for reduced burdens from overbearing federal and state policies. By simplifying these regulations, we can unleash the potential of our educators to innovate and focus on teaching with the creativity and passion that attracted them to the profession in the first place. This approach not only enhances the quality of education but also respects and elevates the teaching profession, making it more rewarding and effective.
3. Interpreting the 2nd Amendment as protecting an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. S* The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is a profound affirmation of individuals' rights to bear arms. Enshrined to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, this amendment forms a fundamental part of our constitutional framework, underscoring the right to personal security and sovereignty. It's essential to recognize that the right to bear arms is not just a policy statement but a deeply rooted historical safeguard. It empowers individuals, particularly those who might be more vulnerable, such as women and the physically less powerful, enabling a measure of personal defense and security that might otherwise be unattainable. In this way, the right to bear arms can serve as an equalizer, enhancing the safety of individuals against threats to their personal safety and freedom. Furthermore, many people view a well-armed populace as a defense against external threats on a larger scale. The ability of a nation's citizens to defend themselves is a deterrent against foreign aggression, preserving the nation's integrity and the freedoms cherished by its people. While the right to bear arms is a constitutional guarantee, it carries with it a significant responsibility. It requires careful regulation to ensure that firearms are used safely and lawfully, balancing individual rights with the collective safety of the community. This is a critical aspect of respecting and upholding the Second Amendment in a way that honors its intent while safeguarding the well-being of all citizens. In sum, the Second Amendment supports a fundamental American principle: that each person has the right to defend their life and liberty. It underscores a commitment to personal empowerment and national resilience, reflecting the enduring belief that freedom and security are paramount to the American way of life.
4. Using taxpayer funds to support any organization that performs, promotes, or provides referrals for abortion. −* The use of public funds for abortion is a particularly sensitive and divisive issue. Opinions vary significantly, with some advocating for these services as part of comprehensive healthcare, ensuring safety and accessibility. In contrast, others oppose the use of taxpayer money for procedures they find morally contentious. It is important to clarify that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors does not have the authority to make decisions regarding healthcare funding, as these matters are usually governed by state and federal regulations. While the issue of funding for abortion services is significant and can provoke strong opinions, as a member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, my role does not extend to directly influencing policies related to this matter. My focus is on advocating for responsible and balanced public spending that takes into account the well-being of our community while recognizing the limitations of our influence on this specific issue.
5. Amending the Arizona State Constitution to grant a fundamental right to every individual to an abortion. O* When considering the proposed 2024 amendment to the Arizona State Constitution regarding the right to abortion, it is important to take into account both the practical and philosophical implications. Constitutional amendments require careful thought and financing, and this particular amendment, which is being funded significantly by sources outside of the state, has raised concerns among many Arizonans. Many residents have described the initiative as too extreme. This suggests that there is a gap between the amendment and the community values of Arizona. This is not a good initiative and I will be voting no.
6. Providing tax breaks to certain industries over others. O* A true free market, characterized by robust competition, naturally drives innovation and enhances product quality for consumers. While tax cuts can be beneficial in stimulating economic activity and maintaining essential services, the practice of providing tax breaks to specific industries often distorts this ideal. Granting preferential tax treatment can create an uneven playing field, effectively picking "winners and losers" in the economy. This not only skews market dynamics but also can lead to political corruption, as seen in places like Washington DC, where such policies have at times influenced and been influenced by political interests disproportionately. Therefore, while supportive of general tax reductions that don't compromise critical public services, it's important to scrutinize policies that favor particular sectors, ensuring that they don't undermine the principles of fair competition and transparency that are foundational to a healthy, dynamic economy.
7. Adding "sexual orientation," "gender identity," or "gender expression" to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination ordinances.
8. Allowing parents to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues. −* This is not something Maricopa County Board of Supervisors would weigh in on. Personal relationships are between people, not the government.
9. Enhancing penalties for leading and participation in organized retail theft rings. S* This is of utmost importance. As a Maricopa County Supervisor, I will help provide the necessary funding to the Maricopa County Attorney's office for effectively investigating and prosecuting the guilty parties.
10. Permitting individuals and businesses to not provide services or promote ideas that violate their moral or religious beliefs. −* This issue is outside the jurisdiction of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Discrimination and weaponization of perceived discriminatory acts should be treated separately on a case-by-case basis.