King, Christopher

Meet the Candidate

Running For:
School Board
Vail Unified School District
(520) 704-1688
M.A. International Security, B.A. Government and Public Service - University of Arizona, A.A.S. Education, Administration of Justice, Intelligence Operations - Cochise College, A.A.S. Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Biographical Info:

Chris King moved to Tucson in 2001 after being assigned to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. He married his wife, Bobbie Jo, in 2004 after meeting in the military and purchased their home in the Vail School District. Their children attended Vail schools until graduation.
As a third-generation military veteran, Chris has traveled the world. He began school in Kansas attending a Head Start school, giving him a passion for reading at a very early age. Attending elementary, middle, and high schools in Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Missouri, and in Department of Defense Schools, gave him unique and diverse experiences in education.
Chris joined the Air Force after high school and was trained as an electrical systems specialist. After 3 years, he requested to retrain to become an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician and was accepted. He spent the remainder of his 20+ year military career working with energetic and hazardous materials. Additionally, during his military career, he was trained and deployed as an emergency medical technician and forensic investigator. He completed two separate Associate degrees and a certificate in management during his career.
After retiring from the military, Chris took a position at General Dynamics as an instructor and became infatuated with education. He completed three additional Associates degrees, a bachelor’s and a Master’s degree. During graduate school, Chris attained his substitute teaching license and began working with middle and high school age children.
As a substitute teacher, he became more interested in the education process and sought election to the Vail School District governing board and was elected in November 2020. He recently began working on another Masters degree, this time in educational administration and supervision.


I am running for reelection to the Vail School District governing board because I want to continue to represent the parents, staff, and community members of Vail who elected me to be an advocate for their children in 2020. Since elected, I’ve attended numerous conferences learning to support and secure parents and students’ rights. I was also elected to represent students, parents, and school boards of Pima County as a member of ASBA Board of Directors and serve as chair of the legislative and governance committees. Additionally, I have begun coursework toward a Master of Education degree to effectively advocate at the state level. Furthermore, I have read most of the books which have come out of the literature review committee to ensure I intellectually, intelligently, and accurately apply contemporary community standards.


Response Legend

  • SSupports
  • OOpposes
  • *Comment
  • Declined to respond
  • Declined to respond, Position based on citation

Question Response Comments/Notes
1. Requiring district and charter school officials, including teachers, to inform parents about their child’s social, mental, emotional, or physical health. S* Parents have the implicit right to know about every aspect of a student's day at school. Schools should be partners with parents in supporting their values.
2. Allowing parents to opt their children out of activities or lessons that offend their personal, moral, or religious beliefs. S* Parents are the primary teachers of their children and have a direct say in their child's education.
3. Increasing state and local taxes to provide more funding for schools and school facility projects. S* Only if submitted to and approved by the voters.
4. Requiring signed permission from a parent before a student may participate in any sexuality related instruction, activities, or clubs. S* Parents have to either accompany their child to a rated PG or R movie and similar permissions need to be utilized in schools.
5. Allowing all parents to use tax credits and publicly funded empowerment scholarship accounts to enable their children to attend any private, homeschool, or online academy of their choice. S* As previously mentioned, parents are the primary teachers of their children and they are in the best position to know what educational model is appropriate for their children. As taxpayers, they should have the choice.
6. Making available books and instructional materials that include sexually explicit images and themes in school classrooms and libraries. O* Displaying or providing obscene materials is criminal and needs to be prevented at all costs.
7. Acquiring parental consent for school faculty and staff to refer to students by pronouns that do not align with the student’s birth sex. S* Unless the child's name is legally changed, the name assigned on the birth certificate should be the only one used.
8. Allocating teacher pay raises based upon merit rather than providing uniform salary schedule increases based upon years of teaching or additional credentialing (e.g. master’s degrees) S
9. Implementing policies to allow students and faculty to use the restroom, locker room, and shower room based on self-identification rather than biological sex. O* We have a responsibility to keep children safe. This is done by requiring the use of appropriate facilities
10. Teaching what is known as diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI); social, emotional learning (SEL); or critical race theory (CRT) in public schools. O* Schools have a responsibility to teach students to be productive and educated citizens. This is not accomplished by teaching divisive curriculum.
11. Requiring each district and charter school to post online a list of all curriculum and instructional materials being used in the classroom. S